
26 January 2013

Battle Pet Tamers: Outland Locations

There are four Master Pet Tamers and one Grand Master Pet Tamer in Outland and they're located all over the map across the entire continent (or planet, to be precise). The easiest way to get to the first tamer in the sequence, Nicki Tinytech, is probably through the Dark Portal that goes from the Blasted Lands on Azeroth to Hellfire Peninsula in Outland. For level 90 players with access to the Horde and Alliance capital cities on Pandaria, porting through to Shattrath City is probably the way to go.

Nicki Tinytech
Nicki is a tiny gnome who stands on the "Path of Glory" and is on the eastern side of Hellfire Peninsula:

A map of Nicki Tinytech's location in Hellfire Peninsula.
Nicki Tinytech's location in Hellfire Peninsula

Sporregar resident Ras'an, the battle pet tamer in Zangermarsh is located within Sporregar on the western side of Zangermarsh:

Orc Narrok is located in Nagrand and can be found on a road, under a tree right near the "Ring of Trials," which is just south of the Horde town of Garadar:

Morulu the Elder
Morulu lives in Shattrath and is on the south side of the city at the bottom of the Scryer's Tier where he hangs out with his tiny crocs:

Bloodknight Antari
Grand Master Antari is in Shadowmoon Valley and upon flying into the zone from the western side, you'll see him standing on a road just to the east of Legion Hold:

22 January 2013

Grand Master Antari

Grand Master Pet Tamer Bloodknight Antari in Shadowmoon Valley

Bloodknight Antari hangs out in Shadowmoon Valley in Outland and a quest to beat him will become available after you complete Battle Pet Tamers: Outland. His pets are definitely quite hard if you don't prepare properly and bring pets that can counter his. They might be only level 24 (the max is 25 in the game currently), but it doesn't matter because you can get caught with dead pets quite quickly as Antari's team does have some competitive moves.

His pets include a Magic pet named Arcanus, an Elemental named Jadefire and a Dragonkin named Netherbite. One of the issues that impacts many pet battlers when they reach this tamer and want to beat him is that they don't have a Humanoid leveled up which would be a good counter to the Dragonkin. 

There are only a few Humanoid pets in the wild (two of them are in Outland and are located in Zangermarsh and Terokkar Forest) and so if you don't already have a Humanoid leveled up for this tamer, it's highly recommended that you go out and find a Humanoid and level it up to 20+ (especially if you wish to level up a lowbie on this trainer, which is entirely possible as long as you bring the right classes!)

Battle Pets for fighting Bloodknight Antari
Battle Pets for fighting Bloodknight Antari
The pets you'll want to use to beat Bloodknight Antari will include:

  • A Dragonkin to fight against his Magic pet
  • A Critter Pet with a Dive ability to fight against his Elemental (snails are great)
  • A Humanoid to deal with the Dragonkin pet

Generally speaking, it's easy to level up pets that are at least level 20+ as long as you have a Dive capable pet and a Humanoid. The screenshot above is just an example and is definitely not the only combination available. 

Bloodknight Antari is one of the more annoying Grand Masters simply because his last pet, Netherbite, is likely to dodge just about every attack. This pet has a few abilities which simply cause all attacks to miss and this can mean that beating him might take a few extra rounds. This is why it's vital that a Humanoid pet be part of your lineup. Consider leveling one up before you meet this tamer and beating him should be easy.

To find Antari, you'll want to head into Shadowmoon Valley where you'll spot him hanging out near the road that runs east/west through the zone along the southern half:

Bloodknight Antari hangs out in Shadowmoon Valley
Bloodknight Antari hangs out in Shadowmoon Valley

18 January 2013

Battle Pet Tamers: Outland

There are five pet battle tamers in Outlands with four of those tamers being part of the Battle Pet Tamers: Outland quest. The locations where these trainers are located include the zones of Hellfire Peninsula, Zangermarsh, Nagrand and Shattrath City. Should you wish to take these tamers out from the lowest level pets to the highest, the likely route would take you in this order:

  • Hellfire Peninsula
  • Zangermarsh
  • Nagrand
  • Shattrath City
After you beat these four tamers, the next tamer and final fight in Outland is Grand Master Antari and he's located in Shadowmoon Valley.

Nicki Tinytech

Nicki Tinytech in Hellfire Peninsula
Nicki Tinytech in Hellfire Peninsula

The first pet tamer you'll see during your journey through Battle Pet Tamers: Outland will likely be Nicki Tinytech, who is located on the "Path of Glory," which is due-west of the Dark Portal entrance into the zone. Her pets are level twenty (20) and include:

  • ED-005 (Mechanical)
  • Goliath (Mechanical)
  • Sploder (Mechanical)

The best lineup to beat her pets should you have comparable levels would be three Elemental pets or pets with Elemental attacks.

Remember that since all her pets are Mechanical, they will return to life with a few hundred health after they've been killed the first time. Should you use a Fel Flame (or any pet with the "Conflag" ability), the pet may use the Conflagrate ability once and kill the opposing Mechanical and then when the little machine pops back up to life, the other half of the Conflagrate spell will fire off from your Fel Flame to kill him for good.


Ras'an in Zangermarsh
Ras'an in Zangermarsh

Ras'an is the second pet tamer for this quest and he's located in Zangermarsh with a trio of level twenty-one (21) pets. His general location is within the Sporregar encampment on the western side of the zone. His pets include:

  • Tripod (Magic)
  • Fungor (Humanoid)
  • Glitterfly (Flying)

The best way to beat Ras'an will be to use a Dragonkin to fight Tripod, an Undead to fight Fungor and a Magic to fight Glitterfly.


Narrok in Nagrand
Narrok in Nagrand

Narrok is the third pet tamer you'll likely meet in Outland and he stands in the zone of Nagrand just northwest of the Ring of Trials. All of his pets are level twenty-two (22) and one of his pets (Prince Wart) definitely has one of the best pet names in the game. His pets include:

  • Dramaticus (Critter)
  • Prince Wart (Aquatic)
  • Stompy (Beast)

To beat Narrok, you'll likely want to use a Beast to beat Dramaticus, a Flying pet to beat Prince Wart and a Mechanical pet to beat Stompy.

Morulu The Elder

Morulu the Elder in Shattrath City
Morulu the Elder in Shattrath City

Morulu is inside the neutral city of Shattrath and he hangs out in Lower City just to the northeast of the Scryer's Tier. His pets are level twenty-three (23) and because they have a tendency to hit a little hard, having good counters to his pets is important, especially if you're looking to level up your lowbies on this trainer. His pets include:

  • Chomps (Aquatic)
  • Cragmaw (Aquatic)
  • Gnasher (Aquatic)

Beating Morulu is easy if you have the right cast of players and is best handled with a trio of Flying pets who are a direct counter to Morulu's three Aquatics.

Should you find yourself victorious against all of the Outland pet tamers who are part of the Battle Pet Tamers: Outland quest, you'll then be treated to a final fight against Grand Master Antari, who is probably one of the hardest trainers in the game even though he's not in the "endgame" content on the continent of Pandaria.

10 January 2013

Kalimdor Battle Pet Tamers Locations

The pet tamers for the quest Battle Pet Tamers: Kalimdor are spread all around various zones on the continent and knowing where all the tamers are ahead of time can make it easier to get around and figure out what route you might want to take.

This is especially handy when you're looking to participate in the pet battles as a daily project (beating all the pet tamers in Kalimdor will net you some gold and a bag that has a chance to have neat items in it like a pet or an upgrade stone).

There are a bunch of tamers in the middle of the zone as well as a few up in the north, but if you're interested in speed and efficiency, starting from the south is usually a good way to go.

And side note: there's also a tamer in the very south end of the continent for the Cataclysm-era tamers, so if your pets are high enough and you're able, you'll actually want to start in Uldum for your journey. This is not only the most efficient direction, but it's easy to get to Uldum from the Orgimmar/Stormwind portals that lead to that zone so you don't even have to hike over there on your mount or take a long flight just to start your pet battles.

The zones are best handled in this way and in this order:

  • Dustwallow Marsh
  • Thousand Needles
  • Feralas
  • Felwood
  • Moonglade
  • Winterspring

Note that if you're starting with the Uldum trainer, you'll begin your journey with Uldum instead of Dustwallow Marsh.

Grazzle the Great stands right outside Onyxia's Lair in Dustwallow Marsh:

Grazzle the Great in Dustwallow Marsh

Kela Grimtotem is on a small mesa near the northern end of Thousand Needles:

Kela Grimotem in Thousand Needles

Traitor Gluk is outside the Dire Maul instance in Feralas:

Traitor Gluk in Feralas

Zoltan is just outside Jaedenar in the middle of Felwood:

Zoltan in Felwood

Elena Flutterfly is along the south edge of the lake in Moonglade:

Stone Cold Trixxy is south of Everlook along the road in Winterspring:

Stone Cold Trixxy in Winterspring

08 January 2013

Eastern Kingdoms Battle Pet Tamers Locations

The pet tamers for the quest Battle Pet Tamers: Eastern Kingdoms are spread out all over the continent and it's usually best if you have a plan and some flight-points already staked out so that you can hop on the flight points in each zone after you finish battling a tamer.

The best strategy for doing all the tamers on this quest is going to be traveling from the north to the south because at the end of Pet Tamers: Eastern Kingdoms, there's another available quest from the master trainer in the zone and since she's located in the south, you can hop on over from a nearby tamer to get that quest handled quickly.

The zones you'll want to travel to include (and they should be done in this order if you're looking for a speed run):

  • Eastern Plaguelands
  • The Hinterlands
  • Searing Gorge
  • Burning Steppes
  • Swamp of Sorrows
  • Deadwind Pass

Clearly it will be best to accomplish this quest and the following quest for tamer Lydia Accoste on a character that has flying and flight points, but a Death Knight is particularly handy for Eastern Kingdoms because you can teleport to The Ebon Hold in Eastern Plaguelands and fly right over to Deiza Plaguehorn to begin your pet battles in the north of the continent before making your way southward.

Deiza Plaguehorn is located in Eastern Plaguelands and stands outside a lake to the west of Light's Hope Chapel:

David Kosse is in the Hinterlands south of Stormfeather Outpost:

Kortas Darkhammer is in Searing Gorge right next to Thorium Point:

Durin Darkhammer is located in Burning Steppes right next to a pool of lava:

Everessa is located in Swamp of Sorrows on the north side of the lake that surrounds the Temple of Atal'Hakkar:

Grand Master Lydia Accoste is located in Deadwind Pass next to the graveyard:

07 January 2013

Grand Master Stone Cold Trixxy

Grand Master Stone Cold Trixxy and her pets
Stone Cold Trixxy is located in Winterspring.

After completing the Battle Pet Tamers: Kalimdor quest, you'll be given a quest to head to the final pet tamer of the continent, Stone Cold Trixxy. She is located in Winterspring and she's got a trio of level 19 pets including a Dragonkin named Tinygos, a beast named Frostmaw and a Flyer named Blizzy.

Should you wish to use Trixxy for leveling your pets, you'll want to use:

A Humanoid to beat her mini Malygos Dragonkin Tinygos.
A Mechanical based pet to eat her mini Frostsaber Frostmaw.
A Magic pet to beat her frosty owl, Blizzy.

It's a great idea to park an alt at her location to fight her each day as she offers a daily quest that is not only good for leveling up low level pets, but which is also a great way to get potential upgrade stones to turn your green (uncommon) quality pets into blue (rare) pets.

Stone Cold Trixxy is easy to find. Assuming you fly into the zone and land at Everlook, just travel southward along the road in front until you see her standing next to a little snowy gazebo on your left:

Map of location for Grand Master Stone Cold Trixxy
Travel south along the road from Everlook in Winterspring to find Trixxy

04 January 2013

Battle Pet Tamers: Kalimdor

Five trainers make up the quest line for beating master pet tamers in Kalimdor and these tamers all use different pets from magic pets to mechanical pets to beasts and critters. Various zones in which these tamers hang out include Feralas, Dustwallow Marsh and Felwood.

There have been some reports that doing these quests as an Alliance character won't properly award credit for achievements and quest completion and this issue might even get in the way of further questing for beating the pet tamers throughout Azeroth. This means it's recommended that this quest be completed on a Horde toon if possible. For anyone without a high level Horde, leveling a Death Knight for this purpose is easy and just takes a few hours.

Traitor Gluk

Traitor Gluk in Feralas
Traitor Gluk is located in Feralas
Traitor Gluk is located in Feralas and has a Beast named Rasp, a Dragonkin named Glimmer and a Critter named Prancer. All of Gluk's pets are level 13. To beat his pets with low level opponents, you'd be well set to choose:

A pet with Mechanical abilities to fight Rasp the Spider.
A pet with Humanoid attacks to go up against Glimmer the Faerie Dragon.
A pet with Beast attacks to go up against Prancer the Fawn (well, perhaps he's a reindeer).

Grazzle the Great

Grazzle the Great in Dustwallow Marsh
Grazzle the Great is located in Dustwallow Marsh
Grazzle is located in Dustwallow Marsh and is right near the spawn point for the heavily farmed Spawn of Onyxia pet and the entrance to Onyxia's lair. He has a trio of mini Dragonkin named Blaze, Flameclaw and Firetooth and his pets are all level 14. If you'd like to level up against this tamer, you'd best use pets with...

Humanoid abilities which will beat up on his minature Onyxias or pets that don't take a lot of damage from Dragonkin abilities (such as some Undead pets) as Grazzle's pets are apt to cast Scorched Earth. You can also think about using a pet that changes the weather to something more accommodating (like Moonlight).

Kela Grimtotem

Kela Grimtotem in Thousand Needles
Kela Grimtotem is located in Thousand Needles
Kela is located in Thousand Needles and is on one of the mesa tops in the middle of the zone. She has a Critter named Indigon, a Critter named Plague and a Beast named Cho'guana which are all level 15 pets. The best adversaries for these pets would be:

Some pets with Beast damage to go up against Indigon the Beetle and Plague the Rat along with a Mechanical pet to go up against Cho'guana.


Zoltan in Felwood
Zoltan is located in Felwood
Zoltan is located in Felwood, home of the elusive Minfernal and anyone who might want a Minfernal will be particularly jealous of Zoltan's pets since he seems to have a minature Supremus, which was a boss in the Black Temple instance a few years ago. 

Zoltan also has a group of cultists surrounding him, so his pets must be particularly popular with the locals. Zoltan has three pets that are fairly difficult if your pets are the same level and it can take a bit of time to defeat him if you don't otherwise bring the right pets that can do a lot of damage to them.

Zoltan's pets are all level 16 and his first pet will be a Mechanical named Hatewalker, his second pet will be a Magic pet named Beamer and his third pet will be another Magic pet named Ultramus. Should you wish to down Zoltan's pets with ease...

Consider bringing a pet with Elemental attacks to defeat Hatewalker the minature XT-002 Deconstructor (from Ulduar). 
A pet with Dragonkin attacks to beat Beamer the minature Eye of Culuthas (and Mists of Pandaria era warlock pet). 
And another Dragonkin type pet to beat Ultramus the miniature Supremus (let's hope the developers like this tiny model enough to offer it to players in a future patch!)

Elena Flutterfly

Elena Flutterfly in Moonglade
Elena Flutterfly is located in Moonglade
Elena is located in Moonglade and she has a Dragonkin named Willow, a Magic pet named Beacon and a Flying pet named Lacewing. Each of these pets is level 17. Should you want to use Elena as a leveling tamer for your own pets, you can choose:

A pet with Humanoid abilities to go up against Willow the Dragonkin.
A pet that uses Dragonkin attacks to beat up Beacon the Lamp (yes... it's a lamp... a magic lamp!).
A pet that uses Magic attacks to give Lacewing the Moth a hard time.

Should you beat all of the tamers that this Kalimdor quest has to offer, you'll next go up against Grand Master Pet Tamer Stone Cold Trixxy who is located in Winterspring. 

The fastest way to get Battle Pet Tamers: Kalimdor completed is to start in the south and work your way northward since after you defeat the last tamer (which should be in Moonglade), you'll be automatically given the quest for Stone Cold Trixxy, which is just a short hop over the mountains into Winterspring.

02 January 2013

Grand Master Lydia Accoste

Lydia Accoste in Deadwind Pass
Lydia Accoste is located in Deadwind Pass near Karazhan

Lydia Accoste is the final pet battle quest for the Eastern Kingdoms and after you fight all of the Master Pet Tamers of the Eastern Kingdoms, you will be given a quest to beat her. She's located in Deadwind Pass, which is also home to Karazhan, the super cool undead pet the Restless Shadeling and the recently added and new pet spawn Arcane Eye.

Her pets are an Elemental named Jack, an Undead named Bishibosh and another Undead named Nightstalker. All of Lydia's pets are level 19. Should you wish to level up your pets on this tamer, her pets are best handled by the following:

An Aquatic pet to beat on Jack the Pumpkin
A pet with Critter abilities to beat up on Bishibosh the evil Undead fetish
Another Critter based pet to have a whack at Nightstalker the Restless Shadeling.

To find Lydia once you've gotten your quest, you'll want to go around to the back of Karazhan where she stands right beside the graveyard.

Map of Deadwind Pass in Eastern Kingdoms
Lydia Accoste stands right near the graveyard outside Karazhan

The most important thing to remember about Lydia's pets is that the undead pets will come back to life and be immortal for one round. This means that if you don't bring strong pets to beat her or aren't otherwise showing up with a few level 25 pets, beating her could be dicey.

01 January 2013

Battle Pet Tamers - Eastern Kingdoms

There are five pet tamers in the Eastern Kingdoms that are part of the quest Battle Pet Tamers: Eastern Kingdoms and these tamers use a variety of different pets which range in levels from 13 to 17 and are spread out all across the continent from Eastern Plaguelands at the top of the continent to the Swamp of Sorrows way down south.

It's worth mentioning that the way Blizzard has designed these quests, it's best to handle the Eastern Kingdoms tamers with an Alliance character because of the strange way the achievements are designed. Some players have reported that doing these quests and tamers on their Horde characters haven't allowed them to progress through the pet tamer quests correctly nor have they been awarded the right achievements after beating those tamers. Note this isn't something that happens all the time, but has been reported nevertheless.

David Kosse

David Kosse in the Hinterlands
David Kosse hangs out in the Hinterlands
Kosse is located in the Hinterlands and has a Beast named Corpsefeeder, a Magic pet named Plop and a Critter named Subject 142. Should your pets be low levels and around level 13 as Kosse's pets are, you would most easily beat him by utilizing: 

A pet with Mechanical attacks to beat Corpsefeeder the Maggot.
A pet with Beast attacks to beat Subject 142 the Rabbit. 
A pet with Dragonkin abilities to beat Plop the Ooze.

Kosse's general location is south of Stormfeather Outpost near the eastern side of the Hinterlands.

Deiza Plaguehorn

Deiza Plaguehorn in Eastern Plaguelands
Deiza Plaguehorn sets up shop in Eastern Plaguelands
Plaguehorn is located in Eastern Plaguelands and has a Beast named Bleakspinner, another Beast named Carrion and an Undead named Plaguebringer. Her pets are all level 14. 

Should your pets be low level as well, you would likely beat her combination best with:

A pet that has Mechanical attacks to beat Bleakspinner the Spider.
A second pet with Mechanical attacks to beat Carrion the Maggot.
A pet with Critter attacks to beat Plaguebringer the Infected Fawn. 

Note that since her last pet is an Undead pet, it will resurrect after death and be immortal for one round, so plan accordingly and don't let your pets run out of HP before hers do!

Plaguehorn's approximate location is just west of Light's Hope Chapel across the lake.

Kortas Darkhammer

Kortas Darkhammer in Searing Gorge
Kortas Darkhammer lives in Searing Gorge
Kortas is located in Searing Gorge and has three Dragonkin named Veridia, Garnestrasz and Obsidion. They are all level 15. If your pets are low level or you wish to level up on this tamer, a few pets with Humanoid abilities would likely do very well. Alternatively, pets that might have high resistance to magical damage (since Darkhammer's pets cast magic damage for some of their main attacks) would do well also.

Kortas's general location is right inside Thorium Point along the northern edge of Searing Gorge.


Everessa in the Swamp of Sorrows
Everessa enjoys the Swamp of Sorrows
Everessa is located in the Swamp of Sorrows and has a Flyer named Dampwing, an Aquatic named Croaker and a Beast named Anklor. All of her pets are level 16. Should you wish to level up your pets on this tamer:

A pet with Magic abilities would work well against Dampwing the Moth.
A pet with Flying abilities (likely a Flyer or a Dragonkin) would do well against Croaker the Frog.
A Mechanical pet or pet with Mechanical abilities would fare well against Anklor.

Everessa is located right outside the small Alliance base that sits on the northern shore of the lake surrounding the Temple of Atal'Hakkar and is just east of Marshtide Watch.

Durin Darkhammer

Durin Darkhammer in Burning Steppes
Durin Darkhammer hangs out in Burning Steppes
Durin is located in Burning Steppes and has a flyer named Comet, a Critter named Ignious and an Elemental named Moltar. All of his pets are level 17. 

Should you want to level up your pets on this trainer you'll want to use:

A pet that uses Magic abilities that would do well against Comet the Flame Fly.
A pet with Beast abilities that would work against Ignious the Beetle.
A pet that uses Aquatic abilities that would fight well against Moltar the Crab (he is apparently an elemental crab...).

Should you fare well against each of these tamers, your next pet battle on the Eastern Kingdoms continent would be against Grand Master Lydia Accoste in Deadwind Pass, which is also home to the coolest undead pet in the game, the Restless Shadeling.