
15 November 2014

Beat Cymre Brightblade Warlords of Draenor Grand Master Pet Tamer

If you're following the story of the Horde throughout Draenor, you'll probably get to Gorgrond as your second major quest zone, and finding Cymre Brightblade is easy once you've completed the first half-dozen quests or so. She's a Grand Master Pet Tamer, and her pets are legendary.

Unless you bring the right team to fight against her. And then she's a breeze!

When you enter Gorgrond for the first time, you'll open up your first major quest hub at Beastwatch, which has a flight point (great for getting to Cymre in the future when you want to make a round of pet tamers on a daily basis). To get to Cymre, just head out eastward from Beastwatch and traipse through the jungle where you'll find her on a little clearing.

Don't go AFK on her platform... a random flying ravager will enter the space periodically and whack you a few times when you're least expecting it.

Cymre's legendary pets include:

  • Idol of Decay - an Undead Pet
  • Wishbright Lantern - a Magic Pet
  • Gyrexie, the Eternal Mechanic - a Mechanical Pet

There are a few different comps that will beat Cymre, but I found using a Fawn, Scourged Whelpling, and a Fel Flame did the trick. You'll use them in that order.

For the fight, you'll use a Fawn with Hoof and Nature's Ward to start against the Idol of Decay. You'll have to fight the Idol twice because the pet uses "Dark Rebirth," which brings him back to life. This second life is in addition to the Undead pet racial that it already has that it immunity for one round.

Essentially, you'll want to keep Nature's Ward up at all times and just spam Hoof over and over until you kill the Idol of Decay. It takes a little while since you have to kill the Idol a few times.

Tip: Try to get a Fawn with high HP. You'll enjoy the extra health while fighting this battle. My Fawn has somewhere around 1550 HP.

When the Wishbright Lantern comes out, it will probably be faster than your Fawn and will likely torpedo it out of existence before you can do anything. However, your Scourged Whelpling will likely be able to kill the poor little lantern in about three Tail Sweeps. Don't bother with the other attacks. Just spam Tail Sweep on that little lantern and watch it go down!

When the third pet, Gyrexie, comes out you'll probably get in a few extra attacks with the whelpling because of its undead racial and temporary immunity. As a last attack, throw down a Death & Decay.

After your Whelpling dies, your Fel Flame should have a rollicking good time against the Mechanical. You'll probably want to cast Immolate, Conflagrate, and then spam Burn until it dies.

This definitely isn't a frustrating fight at all, and is actually really easy.

If you decide to fight Cymre before you reach level 100, you'll probably drag a few visitors into the area where she stands...

Do you have a better comp or have you found better pets to fight Cymre? She seems like the sort of tamer who might allow for a 2-man team and a leveling-up pet.


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  2. Great Guide. First try.
