
19 November 2014

Beat Taralune Grand Master Pet Tamer

When you travel to Talador, you'll find Taralune, a Grand Master Pet Tamer who offers a pet battle daily. She's on the south side of Auchindoun and most easily accessible from the Retribution Point flight point that's on the southwest side of Auchindoun.

Taralune has three flyers in her team named:

  • Serendipity
  • Atonement
  • Grace

To fight against her team, I recommend using a Nexus Whelpling, Celestial Dragon, and Lil' Tarecgosa. It's possible you won't even need to use Lil' Tarecgosa, so you can probably use Taralune as a pet leveling fight. These pets are strong because they're Dragonkin and take reduced damage from Flyers. They also use Magic damage (even though they're Dragonkin), which hits Taralune's flyers hard.

Serendipity will start the fight with an annoying ability called Counterspell which essentially means her pet gets a free move and you can't cast anything. Now, it's VERY important you don't try to cast Arcane Storm until AFTER Serendipity uses her Silk Cocoon. Just spam Frost Breath until Serendipity's cocoon goes away and THEN use Arcane Storm. on the next turn, use Mana Surge, which should finish off Serendipity.

By the time Taralune's second pet, Grace, flies out, your Nexus Whelpling will probably be close to death. Use Moonfire and use Ancient Blessing on cooldown. Use Flamethrower whenever those two abilities are on cooldown. Your Celestial Dragon should be able to finish off Grace without much work, and depending on RNG, your Dragon might even finish off Taralune's third pet: Atonement.

Alternatively, you can also bring Lil' Tarecgosa out second and pretty much decimate Taralune's pets that way. Use Arcane Blast once or twice against Grace and then hurl out a Surge of Power.

I'm sure there are other comps you can use against Taralune, and I'll update this post if I happen upon any other teams that make it easy to level up a pet. My current team does well, but it's not a slam dunk.

1 comment:

  1. I think using some critter with magic attacks for first moth is a nice idea (because it blocks stuns), that's why I used 25 uncommon Rapana Whelk, 20 rare Emmigosa, 24 rare Filthling. It wasn't ideal team, cause I struggled with leveling my dragons and decided to use Filthling instead. Well, my Filthling is 25 now. XD
