
01 November 2014

Master Pet Tamer Okrut Dragonwaste

Unlike pushover Master Pet Tamer Gutretch, Okrut Dragonwaste is a much harder foe. If you choose the wrong pets with Okrut, he'll obliterate you without so much as batting an eye. However, once you do find the combination that works, you'll never lose again.

As a Northrend tamer, Okrut sits at the very southern edge of the Dragonblight at the end of the Path of Titans. His three pets include:

Sleet (Undead)
Drogar (Dragonkin)
Rot (Undead)

Sleet will use Elemental and Dragonkin attacks against you. Drogar will also employ Elemental and Dragonkin damage in the fight. Undead pet Rot will use Undead and Dragonkin damage. Finding pets that survive well against Dragonkin damage (which would be Critters) is a good way to build your team.

Each pet floats beside him just waiting to pummel your pets into submission with abilities like shadowflame, flamethrower, and ice tomb. However, even though Dragonwaste's pets hit like a truck, there are several pets that perform extraordinarily well against his team.

Having access to Pandaria pets certainly helps with team composition, so if you can come to the battle with a few MOP pets, you'll be doing well. The team I use to beat Okrut includes:

Other pets that perform well against Okrut include the Strand Crab, Lost of Lordaeron, and Marsh Fiddler. I've even read that some pet battlers use a triple Bandicoon team, and if you have three raccoon pets in your stable, it's certainly a team that can work.

Your Bandicoons don't even need to be max level or rares to perform well against Mr. Dragonwaste. The reason Bandicoons do so well is because they're a Critter that takes less damage from Elemental abilities (which Okrut's pets love) and because Bandicoons use various attacks that are good against Undead pets (Tongue Lash and Powerball) and against Dragonkin (Counterstrike).

Do you have a favorite team to use against Okrut Dragonwaste? Post it below to help your fellow pet battlers find the perfect team for this Northrend pet battle.


  1. I tried all this advice.. I tried freaking everything.. but reverted to my hard hitting normal with healing.. did it easily with argi, junglebeak, and a jungledarter.

  2. I did it with Stormwind Rat, Fossilized Hatchling, Onyxian Whelpling (Spawn of Onyxia). Rares. Critters work very well.
