
23 November 2014

The Beakinator Garrison Pet Daily Guide

The award for Easiest Garrison Pet Daily battle might go to The Beakinator. He's a legendary boss pet, and he takes 50% less damage, and he can't be dealt more than 35% of his health in one attack. However, don't let these stats scare you. He's not that difficult of an opponent.

The team I used included a Nether Faerie Dragon, a Crimson Geode, and I used an Arcane Eye as a leveling pet once I figured out the strat.

You'll start out with your Nether Faerie Dragon, and you'll want to cast Moonfire first. The Beakinator will probably cast Wind-Up first, so the first round won't actually have any damage go to your pet. The Beakinator used Alpha Strike as its second attack, which didn't really do too much damage to my Dragon either. You'll want to use Arcane Blast as your second attack.

The third round will bring bigger damage when The Beakinator (hopefully) uses his second Wind-Up against you. This does a lot of damage, and you'll want to use Life Exchange agaisnt the attack. Fortunately, your Nether Faerie Dragon is slower than The Beakinator, so you can cast it after you're damaged heavily and then regain a lot of health.

Note: If you use Life Exchange and The Beakinator doesn't use Wind-Up a second time, it's not the end of the world, but you might want to just start over if you're trying to level up a pet. You'll just have to deal with the annoying "Touch of the Animus" heal that The Beakinator has, which may mean killing him could take a little longer than anticipated.


  1. Used Nether Faerie Dragon, Pandaren Water Spirit and Chrominius.
    Life Exchange, Geyser, Whirlpool, Howl, Surge of Power and The Beakinator is down.

  2. Used a level 21 Nether Faerie Dragon and a level 20 Crimson Geode... with my lvl 25 Arcane Eye in reserve... only needed the first 2 to wipe the floor with the sucker :D

  3. Got him today, used lvl 25 nexus whelpling, cast arcane storm, then mana surge. At the 3rd hit of mana surge it's already over.

    1. Thanks for the strat. He was dead on the second hit of mana surge for me. Ridiculously easy fight. Is that nexus whelpling overpowered or what lol?!

    2. Thank you so much for your suggestion. I was able to use this Dragon to easily beat him over and over. I didn't have a Crimson Geode.

    3. Solo'd with Brightpaws easy battle

  4. Used my death talon whelpguard, he singles it easily

  5. Soloed with Nether Faerie Dragon. Moonfire x1, Arcane Blast until dead. I Had Pandaren Water Spirit and Chrominus for backup, following the first commenters lineup, but went all out with the NFD. It was easy, still had 25% health left at the end of the fight without using Life Exchange.
