
06 December 2014

Brutus & Rukus Garrison Pet Daily Guide

Brutus and Rukus are a pair of legendary beasts that hit hard and respond well to being hit even harder in return. As is so often the case with these battles, a Chrominius bomb with the help of the Pandaren Water Spirit's icy bonanza  is often the best way to take care of one these dudes. It requires a little switching, but if you use my team, it should be an easy fight. Just gotta hit them with some huge attacks.

Along with your Pandaren Water Spirit and your Chrominius, you'll want to use a Tranquil Mechanical Yeti. I don't know why they call him Tranquil when he's clearly a crazy beast.

To start, you'll bring out your Pandaren Water Spirit and cast Geyser and Whirlpool. Then, you'll switch to Chrominius and cast Howl and Surge of Power. This will kill Brutus.

Chrominius will probably die during his recovery from Surge of Power, so then you'll bring out the Pandaren Water Spirit again to fight the second pet, Rukus, and cast Geyser and Whirlpool again.

Your Water Spirit should be faster than Rukus, so unless there's some crazy unexpected crit, you should be able to get a second Geyser and Whirlpool off. When your Water Spirit dies, you'll bring out your Yet and cast Call Lightning and Ion Cannon. Rukus should die and your Yeti should have around half HP when the fight ends.

I did this fight a few times just to make sure the sequence of attacks would work, and I never had any problems with a pet dying early.

So, order of attacks:

Geyser > Whirlpool > Howl > Surge of Power > Geyser > Whirlpool > Call Lightning > Ion Cannon

Actually pretty easy, although I'd love to figure out a 2-pet team.

Here's a video of the fight with the above team:


  1. I just wanted to say I love your strategies. When I've met a team that has me pulling my hair out I visit your blog and /facepalm! Why didn't I think of that! Thank you!

  2. I, too, do some facepalming each time I try to figure out a strategy :) Sometimes it's easy... other times I go through a serious load of pet bandages!

  3. you don't need pet bandages btw - the menagerie person heals for free?

  4. I used Dread Hatchling followed by Gilnean Raven followed by Chrominius. Switching the birds to maximize Nocturnal Strikes I killed these two without ever needing to call Chrominius.

  5. this is a very simple (beast vs Mechanical) battle , I've done it 100 times with 2 clockwork rocket bots with no problems at all.
    sometimes I think you're trying harder to show off your fancy pets rather than offering battle strategies.
    maybe offer alternative strategies with easy to get pets (capturable or vendor pets)

  6. I totally agree!!! They like to brag, make things seem impossible to the common person that isn't glued to the screen. They seem like elite and informed.. oh and they do the betas. Truth is.. you can beat them with two junglebeaks and a molten corgi. But I'm gonna try yours! And you posted it on my birthday!


  7. I used pandaren water spirit and 2 chrominius - geyser / whirpool / howl and surge for chrom #1 - back to PWS and repeat but use chrom #2 for its howl and surge. Chrom #1 takes a beating because it's recharging after surge so it won't last for another howl/surge. PWS lasts just enough to do a geyser/whirpool on both.

  8. Used Junglebeak, Chrominius, and Highlands Turkey. Junglebeak until dead, Chrominius through Power Surge recovery (had ~500 HP left), then Turkey with food coma, Chrominius to end fight.

  9. I know it's an older thread, but this gave me an idea how I wanted to do it. Thought I would share, then, if I forget, I can find it here again.
    I used Iron Starlette. Wind-up->supercharge->Wind-up and that killed off Brutus.
    Depending on what health I had left, I did another Wind-up->Wind-up and Toxic Smoke (sometimes didn't get the Toxic Smoke in there). On at least one occasion, this killed Rukus, too. Otherwise, I followed up with a Rabid Nut Varmint 5000 and hit a couple times with Metal Fist til he was dead.
    Hope this gives someone else some good ideas. I don't have any fancy pets, tho I was lucky with Boss drops a few times.

  10. Strat that works 100% of the time for me.

    Pandaren WS:- Geyser, Whirlpool
    Chrominus:- Howl Surge
    Valk : Curse of Doom then Haunt
    Pandaren WS: Geyser, Whirlpool
    Chrominus: Surge.

    Game over man, game over!

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