
01 December 2014

Quintessence of Light Garrison Pet Daily Guide

The Quintessence of Light is uber annoying because she heals too fricken much, and the only way to counter it is to hit her with so many attacks and so much damage that she can't help but die.

After some experimentation, I used a Ghostly Skull, Pandaren Water Spirit, and Chrominius. There are definitely a few other combos out there that can nuke her, but with my current pets and options, this was my best combo.

(see updated strat information at the bottom!)

Initially, I tried just the classic nuke combo of the Pandaren Water Spirit and Chrominius (Geyser + Whirlpool + Howl + Surge of Power), but after trying it a few times, she'd always have a little life left, which would allow her to use Cauterize and heal for a megaton. No, more than a megaton, Like a quintessentalton. Yes, I know that's not a word.

Therefore, I needed to find an additional boost to my damage or something to put a dent in her HP before giving her the one-two-Chrominius punch. First, I tried the Nether Faerie Dragon with Life Exchange. Worked decently, but she'd still heal too much in the interim before I could get the Pandaren Water Spirit and Chrominius out to play.

So instead, I decided to use the Ghostly Skull with Unholy Ascension, which increases the damage taken by the target by 25% for 9 rounds. The Unborn Val'kyr also has Unholy Ascension (and Curse of Doom to boot), but my Val'kyr is only a level 19 green (yes, I know, I'm behind the times on this one!), so I needed to use the Ghostly Skull... which worked out just fine.

My series of attacks included:

Ghostly Bite > Unholy Ascension > Geyser > Whirlpool (switch to Chrominius) > Howl > Surge of Power.

Part of the reason why this works is because Geyser stuns the Quintessence and you can get in that final Surge of Power to finish her off without her healing a megaton.

This series of attacks should finish her off neatly each time EXCEPT if your Pandaren Water Spirit gets hit six times (over two rounds) with Fire Quills. It just does too much damage and your Spirit will die before getting that essential Whirlpool off. For this to work, you MUST use the series of attacks I outlined above, or the Quintessence won't take enough damage.

If you notice in the screenshot below, my Water Spirit was hit just twice during the first round it had with the Quintessence. This MUST happen.

Unfortunately, if your Pandaren Water Spirit bites the dust before you can cast Geyser AND Whirlpool, it's impossible to kill her. Which sucks because I really don't like starting battles over because of RNG.

After beating the Quintessence initially on the first try with the Ghostly Skull, Water Spirit, and Chrominius, I had a ton of bad luck on further practice battles (I tested this combo at least a half-dozen times). My Water Spirit just kept dying from Quills, which has a "chance" to hit 2 or 3 times, based upon my team's speed. Unfortunately, my Spirit died over and over again because of this "chance" hit.

If I had to guess, I think using Curse of Doom and Unholy Ascension could fix this problem by ensuring that Curse of Doom would go off with Geyser, which would  mean Whirlpool wasn't necessary, but I can't test that for sure since my Val'kyer isn't leveled up yet. I'll fix that soon, I swear!

December 17, 2014 Update!

Now that I've got my Val'kyr above level 20, I decided to fight the Quintessence again with the following team, and it was much less RNG-filled.

My recommended series of attacks would be:

Curse of Doom > Unholy Ascension > Geyser > Whirlpool > Howl > Surge of Power

Yes, I believe it's best to kill the Val'kyr on round two and bring out the Water Spirit immediately and then switch to Chrominius. I tried using the Val'kyr a few extra rounds until it died, and I just ran into problems. Also, 90% of the reason this sequence works is because of the stun from Geyser. This allows your Chrominius to get that final Surge of Power off at the end where the Quintessence isn't able to heal.

And, FYI, yes, my Unborn Val'kyr was only level 23 when I employed this strat.


  1. Tried this technique twice and she twice had 67 HP at the end, then healed for a ton.

    1. duble life exchange + chrominius as finisher works aswell

    2. battle quintessence of light in the menagerie today. Read lots of comments on how hard she is and everyone they used I had but too low level. I tried the Unborn Val'kry with curse of doom, Malayan Quillrat with poison and Infinate Whelpling with sleeping gas and healing. Thought "not having those others there is no way to win" and was I surprised. Mostly because of the poison and the gas and healing.

  2. The heal at the end should be prevented by the stun from Geyser when it goes off - was she stunned to prevent the Cauterize? If she doesn't get stunned, she heals for a ton (as you experienced).

    You might also be able to try an extra Shadow Slash (or two) at the start with your Ghostly Skull to get her HP lower before you use Unholy Ascension.

    Alternately, if you have a Val'kyr, you could try Curse of Doom > Unholy Ascension for a bigger hit at the end rather than using the Ghostly Skull.

  3. Must admit it took a few tries on this one and I eventually swapped out to my unborn valkyr, RNG plays a big part in this one but the team worked :)

  4. I have a rare unborn val'kyr with curse of doom. It does work.

  5. My Val'kyr is leveled, and my ghostly skull is not. Your suggested technique using the val'kyr in place of the skull worked for me on the first try. Thanks.

  6. My Val'kyr is finally leveled up, and I echo the sentiment - it's probably the best pet for this fight.

  7. Either they changed this or I am really unlucky... it worked a week or two ago. Now she has plenty of health left and I can no longer beat her with this combo

  8. ^^ same -- can still kill her easily with [val'kyr, water spirit, chrominius], but I'm 0 for 5 with ghostly skull...even with crit on surge of power, she has 38 health left and heals after that.


    Start with [spectral strike] instead of [ghostly bite] -- THIS HAS TO HIT, but its only 50% so restart the battle if it misses. Also this doesn't cause the wasted turn like bite does so the spirit only gets hit with 1 round of quills. Continue the rest of the chain as described above.

  10. Thanks for the tip, Mark! I'll make a video the next time this combo comes up and see if I can't find some additional alternate teams.

  11. Using Ghostly bite I went 0-20. Using spectral strike I had to reset twice but when it hit I killed it.

  12. Yeah, I've been using the second setup I listed in the blog pretty regularly. I'm still on the hunt for another grouping though, just to have a group that isn't so cheesy.

  13. Post 6.1 opened with Crazy Carrot using;
    Acid Rain > Blistering Cold
    Then immediately switched to the PWS/Chron combo for the Howl Bomb.
    Acid Rain gives Whirlpool a 25% buff when it hits. In Round 7 the Quintessence of Light is hit by Howl, 5 maxed Frostbite charges from Blistering Cold, Geyser and Whirlpool. This combined hit will be QoL to well below half health. She is then finished off with a single hit from Surge.

  14. Use a beetle with apocalypse first, swap it out then use something like the ghostly skull and rapana whelk (lots of survival) til apocalypse fires.

    Works for me every time.

    1. This combination works amazingly every time!

  15. Used Fire Beetle, Ethereal Trader and Water Skimmer.
    Open with Apocalyse, Switch to Trader, Life Exchange and just do as much damage as you can with cleansing rain and pump using the skimmer. With luck she won't heal and you'll kill her right away, if not you should still have the heals for apocalyse tick down and finish her.

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  18. Firstly, this Battlepet Boss is a Flying pet. So, Magic abilities do more damage TO it, and Dragon Battlepets take less damage FROM it. With that in mind I chose 3 Dragon type Battlepets who used Magic abilities.

    I used (1) Sprite Darter Hatchling, and (2) Nexus Whelplings
    Start with SDH casting Life Exchange*, then cast Moonfire.
    Switch out to the 1st NW, and cast Arcane Storm, and Mana Surge.
    Since Arcane Storm is a Magic ability, the Moonfire will boost it's initial damage.
    Expect the first NW to die. Continue Mana Surge with the remaining NW.
    Quintessence will get in one heal, then die anyway. :-)

    *You can also substitute a Nether Faerie Dragon, instead of the SDH. Just use the same abilities of Life Exchange and Moonfire. I highly suggest level 25 pets, but the first Dragon pet could be lower, and benefit by gaining XP, and reducing the Life of the Boss even further, by having a lower Life Pool anyway.

  19. I used the Nether Faerie Dragon with Moonfire > Arcane Blast > Life Exchange > then spammed Arcane Blast until it died. One pet. Thanks for all the tips above.

  20. I did Chrominius + Lil Taregosa + Bronze Whelpling. Nexus whelplings and nether faerie dragons would work too.

    Dragonkin with magic abilities made really short work of this particular daily.

  21. Unborn Val'kyr (Curse of Doom & Haunt), Pandaren Water Spirit (Geyser & Whirlpool) and then Chrominius (Howl & Surge of Power) works perfectly for me every time.

  22. Any pet with Apocalypse (I used a 17 Fire Proof Roach) followed by whatever has the best heals or damage avoidance. Came really close to not needing my third pet when I used Molten Corgi. Bark reduces enemy damage, Cauterize heals, and occasionally use Puppies of the Flame so you take zero damage for three turns while you wait for the Apocalypse :-)

  23. Just want to add these strats were for the legendary pets.
    This battle is easily won in 4 moves with the:-

    Pandaren Water Spirit:- Geyser - Whirlpool Switch to
    Chrominius:- Howl - Surge of Power and Win.

    If you don't have these pets yet you need them.

    1. This no longer works since Geyser/Whirlpool was nerfed.

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  25. I literally only used the mini midslayer... with inner vision, manasurge, and life exchange. No problems at all.

  26. Hello! Every time I get the Bonus Events: Pets Battles on my calendar I go back to my Garrison to train my pets. Sometimes I try to beat any challenge on the menagerie. Once in a while I find the Quintessence of Light which is a worthy challenge. It was hard for me before because she is a super-fast healer and the only way to beat her is by hitting her with so many different attacks with the same type of pets to cause so much damage on her that won't give her enough energy for healing.

    After some experimentation, I used two Sticky Oozeling, and one Nordrassil Wisp. I used different spells combos on each of the two first ones and the most strong spells on the third one. Each of them battled the Quintessence of the Light until half of their health, then they were changed for a whole health partner. Quintessence of the Light could not beat any of them. Good luck y'all, hope it helps.
