
05 January 2015

Beat Tarr the Terrible Warlords of Draenor Grand Master Pet Tamer

Tarr the Terrible hangs out in a hut in Nagrand.

Tarr the Terrible lives in a hut in northern Nagrand, and he's right near The Ring of Blood. Just fly to one of the northern flight points in Nagrand and head north into the ogre area. It helps if you use a stealthie to get past hostile level 100 mobs. I used my rogue to find Tarr the first time I fought him. I used the "Joz's Rylaks" flight point.

Find Tarr the Terrible in northern Nagrand.

Tarr has three pets which include:
  • Gladiator Murkimus
  • Gladiator Murkalot
  • Gladiator Deathy
Each of these little dudes is a Humanoid, so not surprisingly, using some Undead pets is the way to go against this pet tamer. Tarr's team has a few hard-hitting abilities, so I decided to use an Anubisath Idol and its deflection ability; however, I think any pet with a reflect would do fine. Perhaps a Flayer Youngling.

My team included the Anubisath Idol, a Restless Shadeling, and a Fossilized Hatchling. However, I think almost any Undead peat would be fine. I like to use my Shadeling as much as possible since he's such a cool looking pet.

I used an Anubisath Idol, Restless Shadeling, and Fossilized Hatchling.

To begin, you'll bring out your Anubisath Idol (or whatever pet you have with a reflection ability) so you can avoid getting hit by "Falling Murloc," which has a crazy big graphic.  Then, you can switch to your Restless Shadeling and cast Plagued Blood and a Bunch of Death Coils. Just keep Plagued Blood up and cast Death Coil until your Shadeling dies. Try to cast Plagued Blood right before you die so it'll last a while for your next pet.

When the Shadeling dies, bring out your Fossilized Hatchling and cast Death and Decay followed by some Bone Bite spam. By the time your Fossilized Hatchling dies, Murkimus should be the only pet left, and you can bring your Anubisath Idol out again with Deflection and Crush spam. I'd recommend using Deflection when Murkimus goes airborne to avoid the swoop of damage.

Not a difficult fight. Undead pets do great!

I'm absolutely certain Tarr is 2-mannable (like most of the world pet tamers in Draenor), and I'll update this post when I find a combo for leveling a third pet.

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