
12 September 2013

Get Your Skywisp Moth on the Timeless Isle Warcraft Pets Patch 5.4

Capture your new Skywisp Moth on the Timeless Isle
Get Your Skywisp Moth on the Timeless Isle
Patch 5.4 brings a whole host of new pets to collect and they come from vendors, are available from drops, and may also come from boss kills or off random mobs. On the Timeless Isle, the primary questing zone for the patch, there are three new wild pets to capture.

New wild pets in 5.4 include:

  • Ashwing Moth
  • Flamering Moth
  • Skywisp Moth

Getting your hands on an Ashwing Moth or a Flamering Moth is easy and just requires a ride around the island on your ground mount. Getting the Skywisp Moth, however, requires a little creativity since you're not allowed to fly (on a traditional mount) on the island and the Skywisp Moths are quite high. They usually sit on pillars that seem completely inaccessible from the ground. But there is a way to get your hands on a Skywisp Moth without hacking the game!

The method requires using a Highwind Albatross as your vehicle to travel high around the island. These large birds travel in a predictable pattern around the island and all you have to do is hit one and it will pick you up and carry you around the island. You won't have to dismiss your pet if you're a hunter or a warlock.

Fly around the Timeless Isle on a Highwind Albatross
Get Picked Up by a Highwind Albatross
IMPORTANT: Only hit the bird once! Make sure you don't have any trinkets equipped that proc damage because these might cause the bird to stop flying!

Every so often your bird will fly over a pillar or another high spot where there's a Skywisp Moth just waiting to be captured. Simply start hitting the bird again and kill it to get it to drop you right on top of your future moth. Note that the albatross may start to fly again if you don't kill it fast enough, so make sure you have some good firepower ready to get yourself dropped exactly where you want!

Kill the Highwind Albatross to make it drop you off
Kill your Albatross to Get Dropped where you want
Fortunately, each of the wild new pets in 5.4 spawn in abundance all over the isle, so it shouldn't be hard to snag nice rare versions of these new pets. Remember that you won't want to use Aquatic pets against these birds since Aquatics take more damage from birds. Your Magic pets will do more damage to the moths and might do too much damage for capture, so it's a good idea to use a few Beasts to capture these moths (Beasts won't hit the moths too hard to prevent capture nor will they take too much damage from the attacks!).

The Timeless Isle is sure fiery today!


  1. I am so happy you posted this trick, I ran around the pillars in circles trying to find a way up! As soon as I learned of the magical albatrosses I started to look up and watch people being carried around the entire island!

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