
14 September 2013

Lil' Bling from Blingatron Means Bling Every Day

Random drops are one of the most frustrating parts of collecting Warcraft Battle Pets, and 5.4 ushers in a variety of random drops that will have pet collectors killing old bosses like Vashj,

One of the easier random "drops" to farm each day is "Lil' Bling," which is a pet that looks like the Blingatron 4000 machine that's created by players trained in Engineering. Each day a quest is available from Blingatron that will offer a bag called the "Blingatron 4000 Gift Package" that might contain a variety of pieces of vendor trash, consumables, or the new Battle Pet "Lil' Bling."

Lil' Bling looks just like his namesake, except he's smaller (obviously). He's a Humanoid pet and his abilities include:

  • SMACKTHAT.EXE (level 1): Initiates smacking protocol, dealing 17 Mechanical damage plus 8 Mechanical damage if the user surprises the target by attacking first.
  • Blingatron Gift Package (level 2): Tosses a Blingtron Gift Package for 30 Magic damage. If the ability misses, the user is healed for 30.
  • Make it Rain (level 4): Casually tosses gold coins at the enemy, dealing 27 Mechanical damage. Gold continues to fall on the enemy's current pet, dealing 3 Mechanical damage each round for 4 rounds.
  • Inflation (level 10): Produces copies of the user, causing 9 Mechanical damage. Opponents struck by the copies take double damage for 2 rounds. Inflation continues for 3 rounds.
  • Extra Plating (level 15): The user equips additional plating, reducing all damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
  • Launch Rocket (level 20): First use: Creates a rocket.  Second use: Launches the rocket, dealing 45 Mechanical damage.

Flavor text for this pet reads:

"This handsome little robot is the spitting image of his "Dad", Blingtron 4000. As a Blingtron's generosity circuits don't mature until they have been built to maximum specification, you shouldn't expect any free handouts from him."

The Blingatron quest is available only once a day per Battlenet account, so this means that unless you have multiple, active Warcraft accounts, you'll only have a single chance per day to snag this pet. If you do happen to get him, he can be caged after you learn him, so he can be traded or sold on the auction house.

I feel fortunate that it took me less than a week of blinging to get my Lil' Bling. This makes me suspect the pet has a healthy drop rate. And if you find yourself particularly unlucky in getting this pet through your daily gift package, there's always the auction house!


  1. I've had a fair number of guildies get him in the first week of the patch, but I haven't had any luck with it yet. Now begins the inevitable wait for either the pet to drop or my patience to end- aka break down and pay for it.

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