
28 November 2014

Eleanor Garrison Pet Daily Guide

Eleanor is a Fashionably Undead spectral goat, and she'll mess you up if you let her. However, this garrison pet daily quest isn't too hard if you have a few Rabbits or Hares on hand.

Eleanor has some insane attacks that must be avoided at all costs. Death Bleat does 2520 Undead damage, which is essentially a 1-shot on any pet.

When I was first thinking up a strategy for this, I thought it would be cool to use a Humanoid like the Flayer Youngling or Anubisath Idol for Deflection.... however, you're just asking for a whoopin' by using a Humanoid against an Undead foe. I'm tempted to use a Flayer Youngling against Eleanor just to see how hard she hits...

I really wanted to use a Rabbit team to crush Eleanor, but I was short some level 25 rabbits/hares that were fast enough, so I decided to use an Alpine Foxling to get the speed boost from Dazzling Dance along with a sub-25 Tolai Hare and a level 25 Rabbit.

If you're short on fast level 25 Rabbits, this strat is for you (as long as you have an Alpine Foxling or Alpine Foxling Kit). You'll use your fast Rabbit first and then your Foxling.

To begin, you'll want to use Flurry first and then Dodge second because Eleanor will unleash her giant attack in the second round. After successfully avoiding that, cast Flurry and then Stampede, and right when Stampede ends, you should be able to cast Dodge again.

You should also get in a last Flurry after that successful dodge because your Rabbit should be faster than Eleanor. You'll then bring out your Foxling Kit and cast Dazzling Dance > Howl > Flurry. Eleanor should die the first time, and your Fox will probably keel over at about the same time.

Then, bring out whatever third/slow pet you've chosen (probably any pet that has a Dodge ability) and either hit Eleanor one more time or cast Dodge to avoid that last attack and see her die a second time.

So, overall, the attacks you'll generally want to use:

Flurry > Dodge > Flurry > Stampede > Flurry > Dodge > Stampede > Dazzling Dance > Howl > Flurry > Flurry > Dodge or Flurry for last attack.

And, you'll get a bit of XP with your sub-25 pet if you use my strategy.

Note that lucky crits and other tomfoolery during this fight might mean you'll have to adjust things a bit. An extra Flurry here or there. An early Dodge. This fight is by no means 100% the same every time when you're using a Rabbit and a Foxling.

Now, if you have fast Rabbits coming out of your ears, just use a few Hares and you can easily EASILY 2-team this undead goat. I had to play around a bit because of my lack of available level 25 Critters. Just use the Flurry > Dodge > Flurry > Stampede > Flurry thing twice. She should be dead after that.

I tried my comp a few times and unexpectedly, my Rabbit died a little early because Eleanor got a lucky crit. This only happened once out of a few repeat matches, but if it does happen, it's a real uphill battle if you don't otherwise have three rabbits or hares. Little bit of RNG involved here.


  1. This strat was fantastic :) Only hiccup was that my alpine foxling died a round earlier than expected but my 24 Tolai Hare was able to finish Eleanor off; however, it didn't receive any exp.
    Apart from that a nice easy definately 2 pet-able strat :)

  2. Yeah, sometimes Eleanor just brings the pain and throws a wrench into the strat. Fortunately, those critter are fierce and can take up the slack!

    I got about 300 XP for my Hare, but I can't remember if that was the first time I fought Eleanor (with the daily quest active) or the time after that when I was testing the strat a bit.

  3. This was a hard one, RNG was not my friend a couple of times but we eventually won :) I did think of a 3 snail/whelk team but they did not work anywhere near as well as this one...thanks again :)

  4. I'm sorry but this strategy never works for me. My first lvl 25 rabbit always dies after it's second flurry. It only ever gets the first 3 attacks on your list, thereby not reducing Eleanor's health low enough for any of my other 2 pets to be effective.

    1. you probably need a rabbit with different stats--my blue elfin rabbit i used in slot 1 has a speed of 338, and my alpine fox in slot 2 is 325. i tested this strategy using a 322 speed rabbit in slot 3 and using a level 19 chrominius in slot 3, both combos worked (i got 280xp for chrominius, so its not really worth using this as a leveling strategy) unless eleanor got a lucky crit. out of 7 fights, i won 4 of them. make sure you're using blue pets, and if they aren't leveled up enough to have a higher speed than eleanor, you need to level them a bit more. good luck. :)

    2. i take that back, (sorry, its late here!) it was 290 *bonus* xp and this is a great, quick way to level a 3rd pet thats higher level but not max (it only has to survive one hit from eleanor before she dies for the 2nd time.) i also found that its better to make your first rabbit do Flurry > Dodge > Stampede > Flurry > Possible2ndFlurry because the damage buff from stampede gives you the most for your flurry and my rabbit seems to dodge more attacks that way as well. i also cut out the "dazzling dance" and just did Howl > Flurry > Flurry with my alpine fox, because my fox was already faster than eleanor without using dazzling dance.

      OP--thanks for this article. ive been trying to win a pet battle in my garrison for days now and you helped me finally do that, and got me my "old timer" achieve for my chrominius. :) thanks a bunch!!

  5. some of the strats i have seen are good but only when doing the lvl 23 eleanor
    the 25 version is near impossible with 3 bunnies and myself didn't realise there were different lvl ones as garrison dailies

  6. tried 3 bunnies with stampede and stand corrected 2 bunnies is all it takes ;-)

  7. Good strat, but RNG is nasty in this fight and I gave upp and looked for alternatives. The best I came up with was the Valkerie, Pandaran Water Spirit & Chromius.
    Valk: Shock --> Doom --> Unholy Assencion (Valk will die 2nd time here)
    Pandaran Water Spirit: Geyser --> Whirlpool --> swap out!
    Chromius: Howl --> Surge of Power. He'll die while recharging, bring Water Spirit back out. However, Eleanor will be on her 2nd life, and die before she you'll win!
    I tried this strat on 5 toons, and it worked every time.

  8. Amazing how much synergy the Water Spirit and Chrominius have! I swear they're the best combo for half the garrison dailies....

  9. So today, on the level 25 Eleanor, my first Rabbit got her down to 978 HP. I then brought out a Foxling and used Howl > Flurry. She hit my Foxling hard and it died and she came back to life. Then,my third pet (another Foxling) just waited out her second death (and used 1 Flurry). She died and my third pet had most of its HP left.

  10. Thank you for publishing this strat! I love the challenge of approaching pet battle dailies using easily available pets, so your suggestions were perfect. I was able to down Elanor on the first try using Arctic Hare, Fjord Worg Pup and Parched Lizard. It's great to get away from the cookie cutter (and often AH purchased) teams, such as the PWS/Chron combo, that many players depend on time and again. There's more than one way to skin a goat!

  11. I've been trying to perfect the 3-rabbit strat, and it usually goes quite well now. On my four toons with a pet daily, I completed 3 on the first try, and one took 2 tries because Eleanor got a lucky crit. I think as long as you can time dodge right, it's a pretty effective team.

  12. Just soloed it with one rabbit with 338 speed. Used scratch and burrow instead of flurry and stampede. Either they've nerved this big time in 6.1 or there is a simpler way--just don't assume you need a whole team of fast rabbits (just one!)

  13. Thanks for the strategy, worked perfectly using a 'Tolai Hare Pup'. Soloed Elenor 4 out of 4.

  14. I did this with the same setup... the first 2 times, by rabbit and hare were both green and level 21 and 22 respectively. The third time, I did it on the toon that I use as my battle pet master tamer... the guy who gets all the tokens and training stones from my other max level toons. He got the rabbit and the hare up to level 25 and turned them into rares. Surprisingly, I did Eleanor with just my BB Elfin rabbit and was left in the end with 7hp :)

    This is the combo I used: Flurry > Dodge > Stampede > Flurry > Flurry > Dodge > Flurry > Flurry (Dead Eleanor).

  15. I used Liol Rag and a green silkbead snail. key is to submerge when you get the charging notice.

  16. I just beat Eleanor with Core Hound Pup/Anubisath Idol. Puppies of the Flame dodges the charge and you can just spam attacks until she dies (and then dies again).

  17. I used Unborn Valkyr in first, then cast Curse of Doom and in second round Haunt
    put in a Anubisath Idol and cast Deflection to avoid the incoming dmg. After i just hit Eleanor down with Crush.
    Very easy, very safe

  18. my anubisath and chrominous did this easy 3rd pet could be any lvl

  19. This strategy worked GREAT for me: 22 Uncommon Tolai Hare, 22 Uncommon Alpine Foxling Kit, 21 Rare Arctic Hare. Alpine Foxling Kit died each time I tested.

  20. Mud Jumper or Swamp Croaker, two are probably sufficient three will definitely be.
    Use abilities Tongue Lash, Swarm of Flies and Bubble.
    Keep swarm of flies up and fill with Tongue Lash. Use bubble to block her Death Bleat.
    Tongue Lash and Swarm of flies both do additional damage to undead. Bubble blocks deat bleat and one additional attack.

  21. Here is a crazy thing I never expected... I didn't have a lvl 25 rabbit. My highest was a lvl 21 Tolai Hare Pup (rare). I added a lvl 25 turtle and lvl 25 tanuki. I figured I'd see how badly I'd be beaten. I started with flurry, then dodge, did a bit of damage and avoided most damage, then stampede, repeat (more or less - used dodge when it was up again). And somehow, the lvl 21 Tolai hare solo'd Eleanor! I had 8 health left, and even survived the undead rez. Like I said, crazy.

  22. I just beat it with a uncommon mud jumper (frog), used swarm of flies, bubble, tongue lash until dead.
