
27 November 2014

Jehan, Samm, & Archimedes Garrison Pet Daily Guide

As one of the easier garrison pet battles, you won't have too many issues beating Jahan, Samm, and Archimedes, who are all flyers. You'll love blasting them to smitherines with Magic damage.

To beat this trio, I used Chrominius, Lil' Tarecgosa, and the Nether Faerie Dragon:

You'll start with a Howl > Surge of Power, which will take care of Jahan. When Samm comes out, Chrominius will still be recharging and recovering, so his HP will probably get pretty low. However, I was able to get in an Arcane Explosion against Samm and Archimedes before my Chrominius died.

I then brought out my Nether Faerie Dragon and hurled out a Moonfire, which took Samm pretty low. Then I used a few Arcane Blasts and Samm was dead.

When Archimedes comes out, I used Life Exchange to boost my HP and immediately take almost half of Archimedes' health. Then, I used Moonfire and got a lucky crit on that poor pet. I think if I hadn't gotten that crit, I'd have probably used a single Arcane Blast to finish him off.

Overall, DEFINITELY a 2-pet battle. I had Lil' Tarecgosa at the ready to fight if things got hairy, but I didn't even get to use her.


  1. Thank you :) I took a risk and stuck a levelling pet in the mix on your advise and whilst it got a bit hairy for a minute and I thought it would backfire Chrominus and Nether finished them off easily

  2. Glad it worked for you :) Chrominius is a little beast, isn't he?

  3. Netherspawn, Spawn of Netherspawn was almost able to handle all three. Just had to bring in my second pet for the final shot on Archimedes

  4. Netherspawn, Spawn of Netherspawn took all out with no problem

  5. Nexus Whelpling with Arcane Storm Mana Surge blasts through all 3

    1. Samm kills Nexus Whelpling in first round.

  6. again I see you are showing off your fancy pets rather than giving helpful advice.
    All you need in this battle is ONE nexus whelpling (capturable in Coldarra)
    no fancy pets needed for this easy battle

    1. First of all, none of the listed pets are extraordinarily hard to get. Secondly, this is a "guide", not a rule. Someone found a better way and it's...wait for it...listed here in the comments which you pointed out so negatively. Just because the blog here doesn't include every single possible combination, it does provide helpful information and allows people to reply with other solutions. Instead of being a dick, why not choose to be part of the solution? Just curious why so many people defer to dick-mode online. Personal issues? See a therapist, don't take it out on people making a modicum of effort to enlighten the masses.

    2. Nexus Whelpling solos this!

    3. Samm kills Nexus Whelpling in first round.

  7. I used my Emerald Whelpling (H/S) to dispense all three of them even though RNG was definitely trying to keep me down. Truly one of the easiest garrison daily pet battles.

  8. Eye of observation tears through all of these with little damage. Lense flare - arcane blast - blinkstrike. Rinse repeat 3 times.

    1. Wrong. Jahan kills the Eye in two rounds.

  9. Now those ^ are some crazy rare pets. What expansion are they in? :D :D :D
