
25 November 2014

Gromli & Kromli Garrison Pet Daily Guide

Kromli and Gromli are Humanoids and one of the random Garrison Pet Daily battles you might get each day. You'll fight Kromli first and then Gromli will come out.

NOTE: I have two strategies for this team! Read the whole post, and see which one will work best for you :)

For one comp, I used a Lost of Lordareon, Ghostly Skull, and a Blighthawk. I started with Curse of Doom, then Siphon Life and then spammed Shadow Slash. I then brought out my Ghostly Skull and wreaked havoc with some Ghostly Bite action. Finally, the Blighthawk came out to finish off Gromli.

Now, I think you could use the Blighthawk second and the Ghostly Skull third and still have a positive result. Overall, not a difficult battle. I think this is definitely one where you could find a 2-man team.

The one thing that can put a dent in beating Kromli and Gromli with my combo is if you get stunned in the first round. It delays getting Curse of Doom up and makes the fight a little less certain.

What's really awesome is if your Lost of Lordaeron lives long enough to kill Kromli and get up a Curse of Doom on Gromli.

The battle with my three Undead pets wasn't as certain as I'd like it to be, so I did a little experimenting with pets that had reflect.

I tried the Flayer Youngling first, but the battle just took so long, and he died too early anyway. Second pet I tried was the Anubisath Idol, and my results were much more positive.

Still took a little while since the Idol was avoiding many attacks and wasn't doing too much damage in return to Kromli, but whatever, my Idol still just about solo'd Kromli.

If you use the Idol instead of one of the Undead pets, you'll want to cast Reflect first and then Sandstorm, because Dreadful Breath (the AOE attack) will hit your backline pets even if you have Reflect up with your Idol.

Better to get Reflect up for the first round, avoid that potential stun, and then cast Sandstorm for the second round. Honestly, Deadly Breath does so little damage to your Anibisath Idol, that Kromli will have a hard time EVER landing a hit or denting your HP.

Also, I think the Lost of Lordaeron is an important second pet to use because of Curse of Doom. The third pet is up to you, but I recommend the Lost of Lordaeron.


  1. Thank you! It worked like a charm.

  2. you can also use, idol, valkirie and gilnean raven, easy kill

  3. Also completed with full pet health and only 1 pet using dusk spiderling, weaving leech life with the other 2 abilities keeping web and poison up

  4. Yeah, no joy on this quest for me. Gromli’s crit rate is outlandish, that opening stun of his usually knocks my first pet below 30%, and his speed means my opening pet is dead at the start of round 3. Pet 2 fares no better, because it comes in wounded and at lower speed, so it usually dies on its second round: stunned on round 1, dead on 2. Pet 3 just takes a similar beating.

    I just don’t bother battling G&K anymore.

  5. Fledgling Nether Ray (spam Shadow Shock)
    Sand Kitten (spam Pounce)

    Didn't need my third, which was a Feverbite Hatchling, although had used her in an earlier loss against these guys using Leech Life in combo with Sticky Web. Use undead abilities of your 25-levels if you don't have any 25-level undead pets.

  6. I use Lost of Lordaeron (curse of doom), maggot and festering maggot (consume every other turn). If one maggot dies I bring out Lordaeron again for curse of doom.

    This works better for me.

  7. I did it today with Val'kyr, Menagerie Custodian, and another mech I never needed. Very reliable and consistent - Curse of Doom, spam Shadow Slash, do Unholy Ascension during the rebirth turn. Powerful mech attacks finish whoever is left.

  8. The dusk spiderling way of weaving leech life with the other 2 abilities keeping web and poison up by the above comment worked like a charm.

    I managed to beat both Kromli and Gromli with just one pet. Thanks for that tip.

    1. I just wanted to add that this does work most of the time but not always so I always have another spider as a second pet with the same spells.

  9. I used Sprite Darter Hatchling & Anubisath Idol, never used my Spirit of Competition.

  10. Idol missed Demolish 11x in a row. Not a good 1st pet.
