
26 November 2014

Grubbles, Scrags, & Stings Garrison Pet Daily Guide

Today's garrison pet battle is a 3-pet team and features a Critter named Grubbles, a Beast named Scrags, and a Flyer named Stings. Finding a team to beat this combo wasn't actually too hard. I just went through my favorites and chose some pets that would fight well against each of these three pet types (Critter, beast, & Flyer).

To fight this team I used an Alpine Foxling Kit, a Clockwork Gnome, and an Emerald Proto-Whelp.

Your Alpine Foxling Kit will be first against Grubbles, the crittery slug thing. Howl > Bite > Bite > Bite should kill him. When Scrags comes out, he has an annoying ability called Takedown, which will stun your Foxling.

When I tried this combo first time, my Foxling got stunned initially since he was slower, and Scrags got like 3 turns in a row from being a faster pet and from the stun. So, the second time I tried the battle, I used Leap for the last attack against Grubbles.

With the speed boost from Leap, your Foxling would be faster than Scrags. This means you'd get in a last Bite before Scrags started his stun-lock on you and took your HP to zero in like three swipes.

Unfortunately, Scrags has a Ravage ability that will heal him back to full anyway, even though your Foxling Kit got in a final attack. So, I recommend just doing Howl > Bite > Bite > Bite to kill Grubbles.

Then, when your Gnome comes out to fight Scrags, build a few Turrets and spam Metal Fist. Unfortunately, you might get stunned again, but if you're lucky, you might get to build a last Turret when Stings comes out, right before you die... a second time. Also, when I fought this team again (just to see if I could do anything different), RNG was so much in my favor that the Clockwork Gnome lived long enough to take the last pet, Stings, down to half health!

When your Emerald Proto-Whelp comes out last to battle Stings, you'll probably want to cast Emerald Bite FIRST because Stings may use a power-up and you won't heal anything if you use Ancient Blessing first.

If Stings just uses a power-up, you can probably safely use Ancient Blessing, but don't risk it if you're not sure if Stings will damage you or will just sit there powering up to attack you the next round. As a general rule, you'll want to cast Ancient Blessing second and risk the damage of two rounds so that you don't accidentally heal zero damage.

Overall, this is one of the least frustrating battles you'll face for your Garrison pet dailies. I'm 100% certain you could find a 2-man team for this to level up a third pet. However, for the moment, this team will get this daily done for you quickly and without hassle.


  1. That worked great! Thank you!

  2. yeppers, i mixed it up a bit, but great strat and great site, ty

  3. your suggestion worked. i was able to two man with anubisath idol and clockwork gnome

  4. Solo'ed all three using only the Anubisath Idol - Thanks Jacob

  5. I substituted Emerald Proto Whelp with the Sprite darter hatchling. One Moonfire and 2-3 arcane blasts was all it took.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I used Lil' Bad Wolf, Spawn Of G'nathus & Emerald Proto-Whelp, which worked a treat :).

  8. I used your same pet loadout but used dazzling dance with the fox my first turn wich gave all pets the speed they needed to execute your attack pattern flawlessly with no need for a third pet, great job and keep up the good work :D
