
26 November 2014

Beat Vesharr Warlords of Draenor Grand Master Pet Tamer

Vesharr lives in Spires of Arak, and he's got a flyer named The Great Kaliri, an Apexis Guardian that's a Mechanical, and Darkwing, which is a Flyer. Conveniently, Vesharr is right near the flight point at Veil Terokk.

My team featured Chrominius, Fel Flame, and Disgusting Oozling:

Start with Chrominius and cast Howl > Surge of Power. The Great Kaliri will definitely die with this insane attack. My Surge of Power dealt 2221 damage to that poor little bird. 

You'll enter recovery mode for two rounds afterward, but it's not a big deal. Your next opponent, the Apexis Guardian, shouldn't immediately kill Chrominius, and you should be able to get in an Arcane Explosion against him.

When Chrominius bites the dust, bring out your Fel Flame and use Immolate > Conflagrate > Burn. Depending on your luck, your Fel Flame might die around the same time as the Apexis Guardian. When your Disgusting Oozling comes out, cast Corrosion > Expunge > Ooze Touch. 

I have to admit that I put this team together hastily when I came upon Vesharr in Spires of Arak. Simply choosing some strong pets against this pet tamer was enough. When I return to do the daily tomorrow, I think I'll keep Chrominius, but I may try to find a second pet that will let me level up a third pet.....


  1. I had him beat but after i reduced Darkwing to 0, he came back to life and healed to 1180, so i basically had to face 4 pets.Is this a talent I can learn, resurrection and flash heal during battle?

  2. wtf does "cast Howl > Surge of Power" man? I can't cast both spells at the same time, are you saying round 1: cast Howl, then round 2 cast Surge of power?
